There are multiple medical conditions that can affect our skin and hair. This can cause a lot of distress to us as it may be noticeable to others and affect our self-confidence. Medical advancements in this field have thankfully made it easy and simple to fix many such conditions. At re.juve, we begin with a thorough medical assessment of your skin or hair concern(s) and work with your budget to recommend suitable treatments.

Below are some of the common hair and skin concerns that can be easily treatable:

Pigmentation is a common skin problem. It can occur at any age, although it is considered to be more common in aging skin. Pigmentation spots occur due to uneven concentration of melanin in the skin resulting in dark, patchy spots. Sun exposure can also cause pigmentation.

Wrinkles and sagging are common signs of aging. When we age, the concentration of collagen, fats and elastin starts to deplete. This results in the skin losing elasticity and therefore sagging and wrinkles become common. The skin also becomes thin with age, losing moisture and appearing dry.

Acne is a genetically predisposed problem. Although it may occur at any age, it is a more common occurrence during teenage years. The severity of acne breakouts may vary and medical intervention and diet management may be needed for effective control. Acne breakouts do leave ugly scars that need to be treated.

There could be many causes responsible for dull and dehydrated skin. Lifestyle choices, inner health may all be responsible for the same. Dullness and dehydration can be treated with the help of superior skin treatments undertaken at reputed clinics. 

This condition is more prominent than you may think. It particularly affects men and post-menopausal women. It is best treated before the problem worsens as it can be quite difficult to treat with minimally invasive techniques if the hair loss becomes more widespread. Sometimes, it can also be linked to an undiagnosed chronic medical condition. Here at re.juve, when we complete our thorough medical assessment of you before suggesting any treatment, we will also look to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be resulting in this condition.

Poor hair quality can be very frustrating to deal with. Although some causes include genetics and stress, there are other causes that can be easier to reverse and lead to shinier, healthier hair. We get to the ‘root’ of the problem and suggest treatments that are simple and easy to do without causing much disruption in your daily routine. Book your consult to find out more!

Not all moles are harmful but they can be unsightly. Having said that, please ensure you get regular full body mole checks with a qualified skin cancer doctor to ensure you are not ignoring a cancerous mole. SunSkin Clinic, a leading skin cancer centre in Melbourne is our go-to for anything skin cancer. At re.juve, we can help you to cosmetically remove any non-cancerous moles.

Ageing skin is one of the most common presentations to any cosmetic clinic. This is a multi-billion dollar industry with thousands of products available over the counter that all promise one thing – youthful skin. In the medical industry, topical products play very little role in reversing the signs of ageing skin. With the help of medical advancements, there are effective, proven treatments available, from non-invasive through to invasive methods. Come and have a chat with us to discover more and find a solution which best suits you and your budget.

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